Street Drug Names

Street drugs often have slang names. These slang names maybe descriptive of the actual drug or the effects the drug has on the user. Slang is often specific to certain geographic areas. Some slang terms mean one thing in part of the U.S. and something different in other parts. Additionally, users often create their own street names for drugs to disguise their activity and actions.

ACAPULCO GOLD – a very potent strain of marijuana from Acapulco, Mexico.
ACID HEAD – user of LSD, “Acid Freak”
AIRHEAD – under the influence of marijuana
ALCOHOL – booze, juice, sauce
ALLEY JUICE – very cheap wine, “Grapes”
AMPHETAMINES – speed, crystal, crank, meth, black beauties, bennies, uppers, dexies, 357 magnums
ANGEL DUST – Phencyclidine or PCP
ARTILLERY – equipment for shooting drugs
BACK-UP – permitting blood to back up into a syringe to ensure the needle is in a vein
BAD TRIP – unpleasant LSD experience
BAG – packet of drugs, usually a standard amount for sale
BAG MAN – person who transports money
BALLOON – small amount of contained narcotics
BANG – to inject narcotics
BARBS – Barbiturates; “downers, “reds”
BEAN – capsules for drugs
BEAT – to cheat someone
BENNIES – Benzedrine; “peaches”
BIG C – Cocaine
BIG CHIEF- Mescaline
BIG MAN – supplier of drugs
BINDLE – a small packet of drug powder
BLACK BEAUTIES – Amphetamines
BLACK HOLLIES – Amphetamines
BLACK-OUT – amnesia for events occurring while heavily intoxicated with alcohol, other sedative/hypnotic drugs
BLASTED – high on drugs
BLAZE – Marijuana
BLOW – smoke Marijuana; sniff Cocaine
BLUE DEVILS – Amobarbital
BLUES – Valium
BLUNTS – a cigar slit open and filled with marijuana
BOMBED OUT – very much intoxicated by narcotics
BOMBITA – mixture of Cocaine & Heroin
BONG – a cylindrical water pipe for smoking narcotics, especially Marijuana
BOOST – to steal
BOOZE – alcohol (beer, wine, liquor)
BREAD – money
BRICK – a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of tightly compacted Marijuana or Hashish
BRING DOWN – come off a drug
BROKER – go-between for a drug deal
BUDS – Marijuana
BUMMER – bad experience with drugs
BUNDLE – multiple bags of a drug
BURN – cheated bv a pusher
BURNOUT – heavy user of drugs
BUSTED – arrested on a drug-related charge
BUTTONS – peyote or mushrooms
BUY – purchase drugs
BUZZED – mildly intoxicated
CACTUS – Mescaline or Peyote
CANDY – Barbiturates or Cocaine
CANDYMAN – drug supplier
CAPS – drug capsule
CARTWHEELS – Amphetamines
CHARGED UP – under the influence of drugs
CHASING THE DRAGON – a particular way of inhaling Heroin
CHINA WHITE – a very pure white Heroin
CHIPPING – occasional use of drugs
CHIPPY – person who uses drugs infrequently
CLEAN – drug free; not having drugs in one’s possession
COASTING – being high on drugs
COCAINE – crack, coke, booth, blow, railers, snow, ringer, divits, toot, cola, rocks, blast, white dust, ivory flakes, nose candy, mobbeles
COKE BROKE – financially incapacitated from supporting Cocaine habit
COLD TURKEY – sudden withdrawal from drugs
COLOMBO – Marijuana grown in Columbia
COME DOWN – the ending of a drug experience
CONNECT – to purchase drugs
CONNECTION – supplier of drugs
COOKER – usually a spoon or bottle cap used to heat drugs for injection
COP – to obtain drugs
COP-OUT – to evade an issue
CRACK – Cocaine prepared for smoking
CRASH – to sleep off the effects of drugs
CRYSTALS – Methamphetamine
CUT – to adulterate drugs
CUT OUT – to leave from someplace
DAGGA – South African word for Marijuana
DEALER – someone who sells illegal drugs
DECK – a packet of drugs
DEXIES – Dexadrine, or”dex”
DIME BAG – $10 worth of a narcotic
DOLLIES – Methadone
DOPE – a general term for drugs of abuse
DOWNS – depressants such as Barbiturates, Tranquilizers
DRIED OUT – having gone through a withdrawal program for drugs or alcohol
DROP – to take a drugs orally; a place where money or drugs are left
DRUGGIE – a narcotic user or addict
DUST – narcotics in powder form
DUSTING – sprinkling a narcotic powder on another drug such as PCP on Marijuana
DYNAMITE – high quality, potent drugs
EASY SCORE – obtaining drugs without difficulty
EIGHTH – one-eighth of a pound of drugs
FACTORY – place where illicit drugs are prepared for sale
FIX – an injection of drugs
FLAKE -Cocaine
FLASHBACK – recurrence of previous hallucinations
FLEA POWDER – poor quality drugs
FLIP OUT – become psychotic or irrational
FLYING – under the influence of drugs
FOOTBALL – Amphetarnine
FREAK OUT – a bad trip; an unexpected reaction to a drug
FREEBASE – smoking Cocaine from a special water pipe
FREEZE – to renege on a drug transaction
FRONT – to put money out before receiving the merchandise
FUZZ – the police
GANJA – the Jamaican word for Marijuana
GET OFF – feel a drug’s effects
GET ON – use drugs for the first time
GLUEY – a glue sniffer
GOLD – Marijuana, also called Acapulco
GOODS – drugs
GOOFBALLS – Barbiturates
GRAM – a metric measure of weight
GRASS – Marijuana
GUN – equipment for injecting drugs
HAPPY DUST – Cocaine
HARD STUFF – narcotics
HASH – Marijuana
HAY – Marijuana
HEAD – someone who uses drugs frequently
HEAD SHOP – store specializing in the sale of drug paraphernalia
HEARTS – Dexadrine
HEAVEN – Cocaine
HEAVENLY BLUE – morning glory seeds; a hallucinogen
HEAVY BURNER – a person who smokes a lot of dope, a burnout
HEELED – having plenty of money
HERB – Marijuana
HEROIN – china white, fix, horse, smack, whack, mother pearl, H. junk
HIGH – to be intoxicated on drugs
HIP-HOP – refers to a culture that includes rap music, art, dance, fashion, attitude
HIT- a single dose of drugs
HOLDING – in possession of drugs
HOME GROWN – locally grown Marijuana; local weed; ditch weed
HOOKED – addicted
HOPPED UP – under the influence of drugs
HORSE – Heroin
HOT – wanted by authorities
HOT SHOT – fatal injection of drugs
HUFFER – glue sniffer
HUFFING – inhaling solvents from a bag
HUSTLE – attempt to obtain drug customers
HYPE – narcotic addict
ICE CREAM HABIT – occasional drug use
IN – connected with drug suppliers
ISOMERIZER – used to increase potency of THC in Marijuana
JAG – extended period of using a drug
JIVE – Marijuana
JOINT – a Marijuana cigarette
JOY POPPING – occasional use of drugs
JUICE – Alcohol
JUNK – Heroin, so named because it’s never pure when sold on the street
JUNKIE – an opiate addict
KEY- kilogram
KICK – to stop using drugs
KlCKBACK – relapse back into drug usage
KIDDIE DOPE – usually prescription drugs
KIF – North African word for Marijuana
KILLER – strong drug
KILLER WEED – strong Marijuana, or marijuana sprinkled with PCP
KILO – 2.2 Ibs., also “KEY”
KIT – equipment used to inject drugs
LAUGHING GAS – Nitrous Oxide (inhalant)
LEMONADE – poor-quality drugs
LETTUCE – money
LEAPERS – Amphetamines
LID – one ounce or less of Marijuana
LINE – a dose of Cocaine arranged in a line on a smooth surface
LOAD – a large quantity of drugs
LOADED – high on drugs or alcohol
LOCKER ROOM – Butyl Nitrate (inhalant)
LSD – acid, microdots, purple haze, blotters, fry, blaze, tab, dose, gel, pyramid, trips
LUDES – Methaqualone; Quaaludes, Valium
MAINLINE – inject a drug directly into a vein, to “shoot up”
MAINLINER – a person who injects directly into the vein
MAN – police
MANICURE – remove seeds from marijuana
MARIJUANA – buds, bhang, dope, goof butt, grass, hash, hay, hemp, herb, jive, pot, rope, stinkweed, stuff, tea, weed, wacky tobaccky, whack,
MARY JANE – Marijuana
MARIJUANA CIGARETTE – bone, doobie, joint, J, reefer, spiff
MATCHBOX – measurement for a small amount of Marijuana
MESCALINE – mess, crystal
MEET – buyer and seller get together
METHADONE – junk, Burdock, jungle juice
MICRODOT – a tablet containing LSD
MISS EMMA – Morphine
MONKEY – drug dependency; a kilogram of a narcotic
MULE – a carrier of drugs
MUNCHIES – the hunger that follows after using Marijuana
MUSHROOMS – magic mushrooms, shrooms, mushies
NAILED – arrested
NARC – narcotic agent
NEEDLE FREAK – a person who prefers to take drugs with a needle
NICKEL BAG – a $5 bag of drugs
NORML – National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws; lobbies for lenient drug laws
NUGGET – Marijuana
O.D. – overdosed on drugs
ON – under the influence of a drug
ON A TRIP – under the influence of drugs
ON ICE – in jail
ON THE NOD – under the influence of narcotics or depressants
OUT OF IT – under the influence of drugs
O.Z. – one ounce
PAKALOLO – Hawaiian term for Marijuana
PANAMA GOLD, RED – potent Marijuana grown in Panama
PANIC – drugs not available
PAPERS – rolling papers, used to make marijuana or tobacco cigarettes
PARAPHERNALIA – accessories used to take drugs
PCP – (Phencyclidine) angel dust, kools sherms, high, wet daddies, dust, juice
PEPSI HABIT – occasional use of drugs
PEANUTS – Barbiturates
PEYOTE – hallucinogenic cactus, buttons
PICKUP – purchase drugs
PIECE – usually one ounce of drugs
PINKS – Second (Barbiturate)
PLANT – a hiding place for drugs
POPPERS – Amyl Nitrate capsules (inhalant)
POT – Marijuana
POT HEAD – Marijuana user
POWER HITTER – a device (often plastic) used to deliver a blast of Marijuana smoke to the lungs
QUACK – doctor
RAINBOWS – Barbiturate
RAP – to talk with someone; or charged with a crime
RED DEVILS – Seconal (Barbiturate)
REEFER – Marijuana
RIG – the paraphernalia for injecting drugs
RIDING THE WAVE – under the influence of drugs
RIPPED OFF- robbed
ROACH – the stub of a Marijuana cigarette
ROACH CLIP – any tweezers-like device used to hold a Marijuana cigarette stub that is too short to hold in the- fingers
RUSH – an intense surge of pleasure; Butyl Nitrate inhalant
SAUCE – alcohol
SCAT – Heroin
SCHOOL BOY – Codeine
SCORE – to locate and purchase a quantity of drugs
SCRIPT WRITER – a Doctor willing to write a prescription for faked symptoms
SET UP – to arrange to have a person arrested for drugs; combination of uppers and downers (Barbiturates and.Amphetamines)
SHOOTING GALLERY – place where addicts inject drugs
SHOOT UP – to inject intravenously
SHOTGUN – a way of smoking Marijuana, by blowing smoke back through the joint into another’s mouth
SINSEMILLA OR SINS – a potent type of Marijuana without seeds grown in Northern California
SKIN POPPING – to inject a drug under the skin
SMACK- Heroin
SNAPPERS – Amyl Nitrate capsules (inhalant)
SNORT – to inhale Cocaine through the nostrils
SNOW – Cocaine
SNOW BIRD – dependent on Cocaine
SPACE CADET – habitual user of Marijuana
SPACED OUT – under the influence of drugs
SPACED – unresponsive to surroundings
SPEED – Amphetamines
SPEEDBALL – a mixture of Cocaine and Heroin; “Bombita”
SPEED FREAK – person who repeatedly takes Amphetamines, usually intravenously
SPIKE – needle used to inject drugs
SPOONS – paraphernalia associated with Cocaine, often worn as jewelry
STAR DUST – Cocaine
STASH – a place where drugs are hidden
STEP ON – to dilute drugs
STICK – a Marijuana cigarette STIMULANTS – pep pills
STONED – under the influence of drugs
STRAIGHT – not using drugs
STRUNG OUT – heavily addicted to drugs
STUFF- drugs
SUPERMAN – LSD blotter with Superman imprint
TASTE – a small sample of drugs
TEA – Marijuana
THAI STICKS – Marijuana laced with Opium
TOBACCO – butt, chew, weed, cig,
TOKE – inhaling Marijuana or Hashish smoke
TOLLEY – or toluene; a cheap, extremely harmful paint solvent (inhalant)
TOOT – to sniff Cocaine
TOOTER – small, hollow tube (straw-like) to sniff Cocaine
TO PARTY – refers to having a good time using alcohol and other drugs
TRACKS – a row of needle marks on the skin
TRAP – a hiding place for drugs
TRIP – under the influence of drugs
TURF – a location where drugs are sold
TURKEY – a substitute sold as a specific drug
TURNED ON – introduced to drugs, or under the influence of drugs
TWEEZES -a wild variety of psilocybin mushrooms (hallucinogen)
UNCLE – Federal Agents
UPPERS – Stimulants, Amphetamines
VALIUM – ludes, drunk pills, v’s blues
WASTED – intoxicated, strung out
WEED – Marijuana
WHITE – Cocaine
WIRED – addicted to Amphetamines or Heroin
WORKS – equipment for injecting drugs
YELLOW JACKETS – Nembutal, Barbiturate
YEN – a strong craving
ZIGZAG – a brand of rolling papers used to make Marijuana cigarettes
ZOMBIE – heavy user of drugs
ZONKED – extremely high on drugs

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